To reach – together with our partners – millions of young people across the country to help them stay informed, be smart, change their behaviours to be safe, and be agents of change for their families and communities.
Young people were dealing with:

Misinformation and fake news

Lots of mixed messages

Too much noise

Complicated messages

Needing help to change behaviours

COVID-19 & National Lockdown

How young people can stay informed, engaged and connected

What youth can do to stay ready for work opportunities
CREDIBLE to be trusted and fight misinformation.
CONSISTENT to amplify one message through many voices
COMPELLING to drive the needed behaviour change for our youth
CUT THROUGH to be heard through the noise and clutter
CLEAR to simplify complex messages

What we learnt from young South Africans
How we responded to the youth insights

Young people didn’t trust that screening and testing would be safe

Young people appreciated being informed proactively about fake news and scams to watch out for

Reports on recoveries helped young people stay hopeful

Young people struggled with accessing online resources, and alternative options or advice

They were mostly feeling depressed or angry

Young people were more engaged by stories than information, especially if it was in their home language

They were keen for lockdown to end so they could get back to looking for work, and appreciated any support

Young people showed an improved understanding of the importance of staying at home

They lacked access to data because it was too costly

They were highly engaged in the daily COVID-19 stats, especially in trying to understand recoveries which gave them hope

They appreciated the content but asked for resources that speak to them – in their language and their area